Masters Certificate of Fashion Styling

Everything you need to succeed

  • Acquire 3 Certifications in this course that cover Personal, Editorial and Professional styling
  • Designed to help you start and scale a successful career or business
  • Maximise opportunities with skills in both fashion styling and business
  • Providing you with the marketing, brand, and growth strategies to guarantee you succeed
  • Comprehensive mentoring to help you to discover your place in styling and the support to keep you on track 
  • Gain the skills that will set you apart as an industry professional
  • Ultimate flexibility to combine in-person and online learning
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Course Features

Course Duration: 18 months

Study In-Person or Online


Industry Mentoring

Access Job Opportunities

Payment Plans

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Enrolment Process


Explore our courses and the many opportunities that exist in the styling industry, then choose the course that best suits you and your lifestyle.


Have questions? We’re just a phone call away – book a chat with one of our friendly team and we can answer any queries you may have.


Get excited! Select your intake date preference and gain immediate introduction to your course.


Compare our course options and learn more about career opportunities, tuition fees and the ASI experience by accessing your Course Guide below.
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