The ASI Edit.

Overheard at Mercedes-Benz Fashion Week Australia: ASI Stylists share their experiences ↘

20 May

The who’s who of fashion flocked to Sydney last week for the 2018 Mercedes-Benz Fashion Week. A few of our talented stylists were among the crowd of prominent Aussie and International designers, magazine editors, models and influencers. We chatted with them about their favourite fashion moments, the most empowering things they saw and their biggest trend predictions!

Sentimental style: why you should sometimes follow your heart, not trends ↘

11 May

Psychologists have confirmed that clothing and our emotions are intrinsically linked. I experienced this first hand when a vintage Nirvana tee stopped me in my tracks in the months following the sudden loss of a dear family friend.

Behind the glamour of celebrity styling, with Lana Wilkinson ↘

03 May

“Sometimes I look back on my styling, and think it was a little questionable,” laughs Lana Wilkinson, while dressed in her anything but questionable Misha Collection suit.

How to slow down fast fashion with sustainable fashion stylist, Jenna Flood ↘

29 April

Sustainable fashion has become trendier than a pair of Gucci slides, but it remains a broad and polarising concept.

Why we need a fashion revolution ↘

26 April

In a world where slow and fast fashion collide, it’s time for a fashion revolution.

Retail Rehab: Why you need to detox from retail therapy ↘

20 April

Yes, there is such a thing as needing a break from shopping.

Meet our Sydney Stylists: Five days, five different experiences ↘

17 April

Last week a group of budding Sydney stylists experienced their Certificate of Professional Styling and Image training.

What a fashion stylist does and how you can become one ↘

28 March

According to the Business of Fashion, styling is one of the fastest growing professions in the fashion industry, yet what a stylist actually does can be widely misunderstood.

What could you achieve if you had more confidence? A word from our Founder. ↘

08 March

This International Women’s Day, I invite you to explore the dreams you’ve put on the back burner. If you had infinite time, money and energy what would make possible?

How to be an effortless ‘Busy Bitch’ according to Alarna Hope ↘

23 January

A blink of an eye and we’re already at the end of January. Just like that new year’s resolutions are flying out the window and visions of healthier lifestyles or daily meditations are gone quicker than you can say ‘kale’ or ‘namaste’.